Skills and Training
- SirsiDynix Unicorn, Symphony and Innovative Interfaces Millennium integrated library systems
- OCLC Connexion
- Library of Congress Classification
- Library of Congress Subject Cataloging Manual (LCSH)
- Anglo American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd Edition, revised (AACR2R)
- Books, printed music, sound recordings, visual materials (cataloging experience)
- Rare books (DCRM(B) workshop, October 2009)
- Resource Description and Access (RDA)
- Participated in U.S. Test (2010)
- Currently implemented at Stanford
- Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and Authority Data (FRAD)
- MARC21 Format
- Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)
- Microsoft Office suite
- Web development standards: XHTML, CSS, Drupal
- XML standards, including DTD, W3C XML Schema, XSLT
- Resource Description Framework (RDF) and RDF Schema
- oXygen XML Editor
- Confluence wiki software
- Languages:
- French (fluent)
- German (reading course, 2010; cataloging proficiency)
- Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan (cataloging proficiency)